
The DaffSidebarViewport is the "holder" of sidebars throughout an entire application. It's generally only used once, like ```html

Some Content

``` Importantly, its possible for there to be multiple sidebars of many modes at the same time. @see DaffSidebarMode Since this is a functional component, it's possible to have multiple "open" sidebars at the same time. As a result, this component attempts to gracefully handle these situations. However, importantly, there can only be one sidebar of each mode, on each side, at any given time. If this is violated, this component will throw an exception.

Selector: 'daff-sidebar-viewport'


Name Type Description
hostClass true
@Input() navPlacement DaffNavPlacement The placement of the nav in relation to the sidebar. The default is set to `top`. Note that this is really only available when there is a `side-fixed` sidebar. _contentPadLeft 0 The left padding on the content when left side-fixed sidebars are open.
_navPadLeft 0 The left padding on the nav when left side-fixed sidebars are open.
_contentPadRight 0 The right padding on the content when right side-fixed sidebars are open.
_navPadRight 0 The right padding on the content when right side-fixed sidebars are open.
_backdropInteractable false Whether or not the backdrop is interactable
_animationState DaffSidebarViewportAnimationStateWithParams The animation state
@Output() backdropClicked EventEmitter<void> Event fired when the backdrop is clicked. This is often used to close the sidebar. ngAfterContentChecked
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